She is born in Rome on November 3, 1975, lives and works in Milan.
Graduated degrees:
Art H.S. and got her Diploma and
Graduate with honors in Architecture of the University of Milan
Brera Academy of Milan, Address Painting.
Awards and recent reports
2018 - selected for the call "Rodello arte" by the Diocesiano Alba Museum Foundation, the Tourism Association in Langa and the Association hills and cultures.
2017 - Finalist of the Arte Cairo Mondadori Prize with the work: "Please let me go".
2017 - Finalist at the Don Sante International Contemporary Art Prize with the work "Rifugiati".
2017 - Winner of the Basilio Cascella Prize with the work "Il Re è nudo"
2016 - Finalist of the Basilio Cascella Prize with "Human Obsolesce".
2014 - Selected by Rebecca Wilson [curator and art director art advisory art Saatchi Art] among the 40 best artists of the Italian section of Saatchi Art.
Recent exhibitions
2017 - Personal exhibition at the MIMUMO Museum in Monza. Curator: Felice Terrabuio
2017 - Personal exhibition "Volti dell'anima" at the Villa Puricelli in Sesto San Giovanni with the collaboration of the Department of Culture - Curator: Luigi Marsiglia.
2017 - Collective exhibition "Man, eternal pilgrim, err err in the contemporary". Don Sante International Contemporary Art Prize "at Palazzo Monacelle, Casamassima.
2017- "Treperseiperlarte" project conceived and promoted by the Streetartpiù Association. Works of art on advertising posters of 3 meters by 6 meters placed in the streets of the City of Monza. The work displayed in the press / poster was: Camaleonte -2017.
2017 - Group exhibition, Palazzo Reale in Milan. "30 finalists of the Cario Mondadori Arte prize".
2017 Collective exhibition "Childhood interrupted", Paratissima, Turin. Texts and preparation of Aida Biceri.
2018: Collective exhibition "The face, the mind and the soul", Casa Novecento of Monza. Presentation texts by Emanuela Genovese, Vittorio Raschetti and Felice Terrabuio.
2018: collective exhibition Galleri Tornby-Bindslev Denmark
2017 - "Arte" Magazine - Mondadori. "The finalists of the Arte Mondadori Prize".
2017 - Bimonthly magazine "Segno" - International current affairs of contemporary art. "Basilio Cascella Prize to Francesca Candito".
2017 - The newspaper "Il giorno", "The artist of Cascella" by Margherita Abis is a sestese
2017- "Womeninart" magazine, "Francesca Candito, faces of the soul" by Daniela Bestetti
2017 - Quotidiano "Avvenire", "Women in" escape "by Candito" by Massimiliano Castellani
2017 - Review "I QUADERNI di Nuova Scena Antica", "Francesca Candito, faces of the soul" by Daniela Bestetti.
Galleries / collaborations
Collaboration with the Carlos Reid gallery - Contemporary Modern International Art.
Collaboration with Galleri Tornby-Bindslev Denmark
She is followed with continuity and great professionalism by the critic and art historian Luigi Marsiglia.
Graduated degrees:
Art H.S. and got her Diploma and
Graduate with honors in Architecture of the University of Milan
Brera Academy of Milan, Address Painting.
Awards and recent reports
2018 - selected for the call "Rodello arte" by the Diocesiano Alba Museum Foundation, the Tourism Association in Langa and the Association hills and cultures.
2017 - Finalist of the Arte Cairo Mondadori Prize with the work: "Please let me go".
2017 - Finalist at the Don Sante International Contemporary Art Prize with the work "Rifugiati".
2017 - Winner of the Basilio Cascella Prize with the work "Il Re è nudo"
2016 - Finalist of the Basilio Cascella Prize with "Human Obsolesce".
2014 - Selected by Rebecca Wilson [curator and art director art advisory art Saatchi Art] among the 40 best artists of the Italian section of Saatchi Art.
Recent exhibitions
2017 - Personal exhibition at the MIMUMO Museum in Monza. Curator: Felice Terrabuio
2017 - Personal exhibition "Volti dell'anima" at the Villa Puricelli in Sesto San Giovanni with the collaboration of the Department of Culture - Curator: Luigi Marsiglia.
2017 - Collective exhibition "Man, eternal pilgrim, err err in the contemporary". Don Sante International Contemporary Art Prize "at Palazzo Monacelle, Casamassima.
2017- "Treperseiperlarte" project conceived and promoted by the Streetartpiù Association. Works of art on advertising posters of 3 meters by 6 meters placed in the streets of the City of Monza. The work displayed in the press / poster was: Camaleonte -2017.
2017 - Group exhibition, Palazzo Reale in Milan. "30 finalists of the Cario Mondadori Arte prize".
2017 Collective exhibition "Childhood interrupted", Paratissima, Turin. Texts and preparation of Aida Biceri.
2018: Collective exhibition "The face, the mind and the soul", Casa Novecento of Monza. Presentation texts by Emanuela Genovese, Vittorio Raschetti and Felice Terrabuio.
2018: collective exhibition Galleri Tornby-Bindslev Denmark
2017 - "Arte" Magazine - Mondadori. "The finalists of the Arte Mondadori Prize".
2017 - Bimonthly magazine "Segno" - International current affairs of contemporary art. "Basilio Cascella Prize to Francesca Candito".
2017 - The newspaper "Il giorno", "The artist of Cascella" by Margherita Abis is a sestese
2017- "Womeninart" magazine, "Francesca Candito, faces of the soul" by Daniela Bestetti
2017 - Quotidiano "Avvenire", "Women in" escape "by Candito" by Massimiliano Castellani
2017 - Review "I QUADERNI di Nuova Scena Antica", "Francesca Candito, faces of the soul" by Daniela Bestetti.
Galleries / collaborations
Collaboration with the Carlos Reid gallery - Contemporary Modern International Art.
Collaboration with Galleri Tornby-Bindslev Denmark
She is followed with continuity and great professionalism by the critic and art historian Luigi Marsiglia.

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